Signs & Banners
Signs & Banners
As auctioneers you need quality signage and promotional materials to make your event successful. Here at Kiefers we have great options that are durable and arrive quickly so you can start promoting your events now. Each custom order is produced by professionals right in our own facility.
The options include:
- Custom Auction Banners
- Stock Auction Banners
- Yard Signs for Auctions
- "Auction Staff" Hats
- "Auction Staff" Badges
- "Auction Staff" Shirts
- Literature Displays
- Other Signage
Custom Banners
Durable custom banners designed to match your needs. All weather design can withstand harsh wet weather to deliver your message perfectly.

Retractable Banners
Yard signs for directing traffic and advertising.

Coroplast Yard Signs (corrugated plastic)
Yard signs for directing traffic and advertising.

Shirts, Caps & Name Badges
Great clothing designs for Auctioneers.

Product & Literature Displays
These displays are a great way to show off literature, or auction items that need special display